The Sacraments

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As members of the Orthodox Christian faith, baptism marks our initiation into the church and into the body of Christ. It is a new birth by which we pass from this life to eternal life with Christ. We are mystically born into spiritual existence through baptism.

How do I choose a Godparent?
A godparent is required to be an Orthodox Christian and to present proof/ certificate of Baptism or Chrismation.

Can an adult get baptised or convert to Orthodoxy?
Through training and catechesis, adults can get ready for baptism. Please, speak to one of our priests.

How much will it cost?
The church charges £120 for the certificate. If you need financial support to cover the cost, please speak to the priest.

Please click here to print and our Baptism form.



In the Orthodox church marriage is a Sacrament, not simply a legal contract. It is not only a mystery but also martyrdom, meaning it’s a sharing in life of God and sacrificing oneself for the other..

How to get married?
The Sacrament of marriage can take place only by permission from the Archbishop. It is called episcopal marriage permit. Hence, candidates need to apply for this permit well in advance. Orthodox Christians will need a certificate of no impediment( each individual). The Civil Ceremony takes place before the Orthodox marriage service. The couple needs to make arrangements with their local Register office as early as possible prior to their wedding day.

When to get married?
There are some dates in Orthodox Church when wedding service cannot take place:

  • during Great Lent
  • from 12th December until Christmas
  • from 1stto 15th of August
  • on 5th and 6th of January
  • on 29th of August
  • on 14th of September

Can I marry non orthodox Christian?
It is possible for Orthodox Christian to marry Christian of another denomination who is baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Baptismal certificates need to be produced for other Christian denominations. It is not possible for the Sacrament to take place for Orthodox Christians with person of no faith or other religions.

Please contact our priests for further information.



Repentance is a process that includes the sacrament of confession, the fundamental principles of Orthodox Christianity. This is also a vocal admission of our failure to live up to our calling. Through repentance, we transform our hearts, resulting in matching changes in our attitude or behaviour.

What’s the process of confession?
We confess in the church in front of the Christ icon, in the presence of a priest. It’s crucial to recognise that we never confess “to” the priest. In the priest’s presence, we confess to God. The priest serves as both a spokesman for the entire church and a testimony to our sincere repentance.
How frequently must we repent of our sins?
One should repent their sins anytime there is a need and desire. You can also discuss this with your confessor.
Who may testify as a witness to the confession?
In our Orthodox tradition not every priest has the ability and  permission to ‘hear’ a confession. The Archbishop appoints the confessors. In the Orthodox Church, the confidentiality of the Sacrament of Confession is regarded as an unbreakable law.

Fr. Pancratios Sanders is our church’s confessor. Send us an email, or just talk to Father Pancratios in the church if you have any questions.